Yoga Forschung

Iyengar Yoga gehört zu den weltweit am meisten im wissenschaftlichen und medizinischen Kontext eingesetzten Yogarichtungen. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Studien, welche die Wirksamkeit von Iyengar Yoga untersucht haben (siehe unten).

Wie wirksam Iyengar Yoga bei der Linderung von chronischen Nackenschmerzen ist, hat das Iyengar Yoga Institut Berlin zusammen mit der medizinischen Universität von Berlin (Charité) in einem gemeinsamen Projekt untersucht.

Im Rahmen einer randomisierten kontrollierten klinischen Studie wurde Iyengar Yoga mit einem Nackenübungsprogramm einer großen gesetzlichen Krankenkasse verglichen.

Mit der Studie des Iyengar Yoga Instituts Berlin und der Berliner Charité konnte belegt werden, dass Iyengar Yoga eine effektive Behandlung bei chronischen Nackenschmerzen ist. Weil es zu einer deutlichen Linderung der Schmerzen und zur funktionellen Verbesserung des Nackens verhilft, ist Iyengar Yoga bei betroffenen Patienten als eine nützliche Behandlungsoption anzuwenden – mit einer positiven Wirkung auf das psychische Wohlbefinden und die Lebensqualität insgesamt. 

Mehr Infos zu dieser Studie: Michalsen, A., Traitteur, H., Lüdtke, R., Brunnhuber, S., Meier, L., Jeitler, M.,…Kessler, C. (2012). Yoga for chronic neck pain: A pilot randomized controlled clinical trial. The Journal of Pain, 13(11), 1122–1130.

Abstract retrieved from

Wissenschaftliche Studien zur Wirksamkeit von Iyengar Yoga 

Es folgt eine nach Themen gegliederte Übersicht von wissenschaftlichen Studien zur Wirksamkeit von Iyengar Yoga. Die einzelnen Studien mit entsprechenden Links werden weiter unten beschrieben. 

  • Allgemeine Themen
    • Alter
    • Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden
  • Gynäkologische Erkrankungen 
    • Brustkrebs
    • Eierstockkrebs
    • Menopause
  • Internistische Erkrankungen
    • Asthma 
    • Bluthochdruck 
    • Chronisch Obstruktive Lungenerkrankung 
    • Chronische Pankreatitis
    • Diabetes  Mellitus 
    • Krebserkrankungen
    • Reizdarmsyndrom 
  • Psychische Erkrankungen
    • Angst, Depression und Stress 
  • Neurologische Erkrankungen
    • Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose (ALS) 
    • Multiple Sklerose (MS) 
    • Parkinson Erkrankung 
    • Rückenmarksverletzung 
  • Orthopädische Erkrankungen
    • Arthrose
    • Karpaltunnelsyndrom 
    • Knochengesundheit
    • Nackenschmerzen 
    • Rückenschmerzen 

Allgemeine Themen


DiBenedetto, M., Innes, KE., Taylor, AG., Rodeheaver, PF., Boxer, JA., Wright, HJ., Kerrigan, DC. (2005, September). Effect of a gentle Iyengar yoga program on gait in the elderly: an exploratory study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 86(9),1830-7. 

Retrieved from

Oken, B. S., Zajdel, D., Kishiyama, S., Flegal, K., Dehen, C., Haas, M., Kraemer, D., Lawrence, J., Leyva, J. (2006). Randomized, controlled, six-month trial of yoga in healthy seniors: effects on cognition and quality of life. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 12(1), 40–47.  

Retrieved from

Patel, N., Newstead, A., Ferrer, R.. (2012, October). The effects of yoga on physical functioning and health related quality of life in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 18(10), 902-917.

Temple University. (2008, April 8). Yoga poses can prevent falls in women over 65, study suggests. ScienceDaily. 

Retrieved from

Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden 

Belluz, J. (2015, July 22). I read more than 50 scientific studies about yoga. Here’s what I learned. Vox. Retrieved from

Dhikav, V., Karmarkar, G., Gupta, R., Verma, M., Gupta, R., Gupta, S., & Anand, K. S. (2010), Yoga in female sexual functions. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7(2, Pt. 2), 964–970.

Abstract retrieved from

Dhikav, V., Karmarkar, G., Verma, M., Gupta, R., Gupta, S., Mittal, D., & Anand, K. (2010), Yoga in male sexual functioning: A noncomparative pilot study. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7(10), 3460–3466.; Abstract retrieved from

Flegal, K.E., Kishiyama, S., Zajdel, D., Haas, M., & Oken, B.S. (2007).  Adherence to yoga and exercise interventions in a 6-month clinical trial. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 7(37).

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Harner, H., Hanlon, A. L., & Garfinkel, M. (2010). Effect of Iyengar yoga on mental health of incarcerated women: A feasibility study. Nursing Research, 59(6), 389–399.

Abstract retrieved from

Khattab, K., Khattab, A. A., Ortak, J., Richardt, G., & Bonnemeier, H. (2007). Iyengar yoga increases cardiac parasympathetic nervous modulation among healthy yoga practitioners, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 4(4), 511-517.

Full text retrieved from

Lea, J. (2009) Liberation or limitation? Understanding Iyengar yoga as a practice of the self. Body & Society 15(3), 71-92.×09339100; Abstract retrieved from

Newcombe, S. (2009). The development of modern yoga: A survey of the field. Religion Compass, 3(6), 986–1002.

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Raub, J. A. (2004). Psychophysiologic effects of hatha yoga on musculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary function: A literature review. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 8(6), 797–812.

Abstract retrieved from

Ross, A., & Thomas, S. (2010). The health benefits of yoga and exercise: A review of comparison studies. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 16(1), 3–12.

Abstract retrieved from

Ross, A., Friedmann, E., Bevans, M., & Thomas, S. (2012). Frequency of yoga practice predicts health: Results of a national survey of yoga practitioners. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012.; Full text retrieved from

Van Puymbroeck, M., Payne, L. L., & Hsieh, P.-C. (2007). A phase I feasibility study of yoga on the physical health and coping of informal caregivers. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 4(4).; Full text retrieved from

Gynäkologische Erkrankungen 


Banasik, J., Williams, H., Haberman, M., Blank, SE., Bendel, R. (March 2011). Effect of Iyengar yoga practice on fatigue and diurnal salivary cortisol concentration in breast cancer survivors. J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 23(3), 135-42.

Bower, J., Garet, D., Sternlieb, B., Ganz, P., Irwin, M., Olmstead, R., Greendale, G. (August 2012). Yoga for persistent fatigue in breast cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trial. Cancer. 118(15), 3766-75.

Danhauer, S., Tooze, J., Farmer, D., Campbell, C., McQuellon, R., Barrett, R., Miller, B. (Spring 2008). Restorative yoga for women with ovarian or breast cancer: findings from a pilot study [Abstract]. J Soc Integr Oncol. 6(2), 47-58. 

Retrieved from

Galantino, M., Desai, K., Greene, L., DeMichele, A., Stricker, C., Mao, J. (December 2012). Impact of yoga on functional outcomes in breast cancer survivors with aromatase inhibitor-associated arthralgias. Integr Cancer Ther. 11(4), 313-20.

Leibel, C. (August 2010) Special yoga classes aimed at breast cancer survivors improves recovery: U of A study. 

Retrieved from

Schultz, P., Haberman, M., Nichols, J., Daratha, K., Blank, S. (April 2007) Down-regulated lymphocyte NF-kB activation in breast cancer survivors following yoga participation [Abstract]. FASEB J. 21, 765-7.  

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Schultz, P., Haberman, M., Nichols, J., Daratha, K., Blank, S. (April 2007) Down-regulated lymphocyte NF-kB activation in breast cancer survivors following yoga participation [Press release]. FASEB J. 21, 765-7.  

Retrieved from

Speed-Andrews, A., Stevinson, C., Belanger, L., Mirus, J., Courneya, K.      (September-October 2010) Pilot evaluation of an Iyengar yoga program for breast cancer survivors. Cancer Nurs. 33(5), 369-81.


Danhauer, et al. (2008) Restorative yoga for women with ovarioan or breast cancer: findings from a pilot study.

Danhauer, S. C., Tooze, J. A., Farmer, D. F., Cambell, C. R., McQuellon, R. P., Barrett, R., & Miller, B. E. (2008).  Restorative yoga for women with ovarian or breast cancer: Findings from a pilot study. Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology 6(2), 47-58.  

Abstract retrieved from


Cohen, B. E., Kanaya, A. M., Macer, J. L., Shen, H., Chang, A. A., & Grady, D. (2007). Feasibility and acceptability of restorative yoga for treatment of hot flushes: A pilot trial. Maturitas, 56(2), 198–204.

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Elavsky, S., & McAuley, E. (2009). Personality, menopausal symptoms, and physical activity outcomes in middle-aged women. Personality and Individual Differences, 46(2), 123–128.

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Internistische Erkrankungen


Sabina, AB., Williams, AL., Wall, HK., Bansal, S., Chupp, G., Katz, DL. (May 2005). Yoga intervention for adults with mild-to-moderate asthma: a pilot study. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 94(5), 543-8. 

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Cohen, D., & Townsend, R. R. (2007), Yoga and hypertension. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 9(10), 800–801.; Full text retrieved from

Cohen, D. L., Bloedon, L. T., Rothman, R. L., Farrar, J. T., Galantino, M. L., Volger, S.,…Townsend, R. R. (2011). Iyengar yoga versus enhanced usual care on blood pressure in patients with prehypertension to stage I hypertension: A randomized controlled trial. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011, 1-8.

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Chronisch Obstruktive Lungenerkrankung 

Donesky-Cuenco, D., Nguyen, H. Q., Paul, S., & Carrieri-Kohlman, V. (2009). Yoga therapy decreases dyspnea-related distress and improves functional performance in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A pilot study. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 15(3), 225–234.; Full text retrieved from

Chronische Pancreatitis 

Sareen, S., Kumari, V., Gajebasia, K. S., & Gajebasia, N. K. (2007). Yoga: A tool for improving the quality of life in chronic pancreatitis. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 13(3), 391-397.; Full text retrieved from

Diabetes  Mellitus 

Alexander, G. K., Innes, K. E., Brown, C. J., Kulbok, P., Bourguignon, C., Bovbjerg, V. E., & Taylor, A. G. (2010). “I could move mountains”: Adults with or at risk for type 2 diabetes reflect on their experiences with yoga practice. The Diabetes Educator, 36(6), 965–975. ; 

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Lakkireddy, D., Atkins, D., Pillarisetti, J., Ryschon, K., Bommana, S., Drisko, J.,…Buddhadeb, D. (2013). Effect of yoga on arrhythmia burden, anxiety, depression, and quality of life in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: The YOGA My Heart Study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 61(11), 1177–1182.; Full text retrieved from


Duncan, M. D., Leis, A., & Taylor-Brown, J. W. (2008). Impact and outcomes of an Iyengar yoga program in a cancer centre. Current Oncology, 15(Suppl 2), S72–S78.; Full text retrieved from

Evans, S., Seidman, L., Sternlieb, B., Casillas, J., Zeltzer, L., & Tsao, J. (2017). Clinical case report: yoga for fatigue in five young adult survivors of childhood cancer. Journal of adolescent and young adult oncology, 6(1), 96-101.


Evans, S., Cousins, L., Tsao, J. C., Sternlieb, B., & Zeltzer, L. K. (2011). Protocol for a randomized controlled study of Iyengar yoga for youth with irritable bowel syndrome. Trials, 12(15).

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Evans, S., Seidman, L. C., Lung, K., Sternlieb, B., & Zeltzer, L. K. (2018). Yoga for Teens With Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Results From a Mixed-Methods Pilot Study. Holistic nursing practice, 32(5), 253-260.

Psychische Erkrankungen

Angst, Depression und Stress 

Michalsen, A., Jeitler, M., Brunnhuber, S., Lüdtke, R., Büssing, A., Musial, F., Dobos, G., Kessler, C. (2012). Iyengar yoga for distressed women: A 3-armed randomized controlled trial. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM, 2012, 408727.

Shapiro, D., Bystritsky, A., Kerwin,, L., Apt, M. (2008). Iyengar yoga as a complementary treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: Pilot study (5). In Scientific Evidence on the Therapeutic Efficacy of Iyengar Yoga: A Compilation of Research Papers. Retrieved from

Shapiro, D., Cook, I. A., Davydov, D. M., Ottaviani, C., Leuchter, A. F.,  Abrams, M. (2007). Yoga as a complementary treatment of depression: Effects of traits and moods on treatment outcome. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM, 4(4), 493–502.

Streeter CC, Gerbarg PL, Saper RB, Ciraulo DA, Brown RP. (2012, May). Effects of yoga on the autonomic nervous system, gamma-aminobutyric-acid, and allostasis in epilepsy, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder [Abstract]. Med Hypotheses. 78(5), 571-9.

Streeter, C., Jensen, J., Perlmutter, R., Cabral, H., Tian, H., Terhune, D., Ciraulo, D., Renshaw, P. (2007, May). Yoga asana sessions increase brain GABA levels: A pilot study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 13(4), 419-426.

Streeter, C., Whitfield, T., Owen, L., Rein, T., Karri, S., Yakhkind, A., Perlmutter, R,. Prescot, A., Renshaw, P., Ciraulo, D., Jensen, J. (2010, November). Effects of yoga versus walking on mood, anxiety, and brain GABA levels: A randomized controlled MRS study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 16(11), 1145-1152.

Woolery, A., Myers, H., Sternlieb., B., Zeltzer., L. (2004, March/April). A yoga intervention for young adults with elevated symptoms of depression. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 10(2), 60-63.
Retrieved from

Belluz, J. (2015, July 22). I read more than 50 scientific studies about yoga. Here’s what I learned. 

Vox. Retrieved from

Dhikav, V., Karmarkar, G., Gupta, R., Verma, M., Gupta, R., Gupta, S., & Anand, K. S. (2010), Yoga in female sexual functions. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7(2, Pt. 2), 964–970.

Abstract retrieved from

Dhikav, V., Karmarkar, G., Verma, M., Gupta, R., Gupta, S., Mittal, D., & Anand, K. (2010), Yoga in male sexual functioning: A noncomparative pilot study. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7(10), 3460–3466.; Abstract retrieved from

Flegal, K.E., Kishiyama, S., Zajdel, D., Haas, M., & Oken, B.S. (2007).  Adherence to yoga and exercise interventions in a 6-month clinical trial. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 7(37).

Full text retrieved from

Harner, H., Hanlon, A. L., & Garfinkel, M. (2010). Effect of Iyengar yoga on mental health of incarcerated women: A feasibility study. Nursing Research, 59(6), 389–399.

Abstract retrieved from

Khattab, K., Khattab, A. A., Ortak, J., Richardt, G., & Bonnemeier, H. (2007). Iyengar yoga increases cardiac parasympathetic nervous modulation among healthy yoga practitioners, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 4(4), 511-517.

Full text retrieved from

Lea, J. (2009) Liberation or limitation? Understanding Iyengar yoga as a practice of the self. Body & Society 15(3), 71-92.×09339100; Abstract retrieved from

Newcombe, S. (2009). The development of modern yoga: A survey of the field. Religion Compass, 3(6), 986–1002.

Full text retrieved from

Raub, J. A. (2004). Psychophysiologic effects of hatha yoga on musculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary function: A literature review. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 8(6), 797–812.; Abstract retrieved from

Ross, A., & Thomas, S. (2010). The health benefits of yoga and exercise: A review of comparison studies. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 16(1), 3–12.

Abstract retrieved from

Ross, A., Friedmann, E., Bevans, M., & Thomas, S. (2012). Frequency of yoga practice predicts health: Results of a national survey of yoga practitioners. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012.; Full text retrieved from

Van Puymbroeck, M., Payne, L. L., & Hsieh, P.-C. (2007). A phase I feasibility study of yoga on the physical health and coping of informal caregivers. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 4(4).; Full text retrieved from

Neurologische Erkrankungen

Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose (ALS) 

Subbappa, R. (2014, April). Iyengar yoga therapy as an intervention for cramp management in individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Three case reports The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 20(4), 322-326.

Multiple Sklerose (MS) 

Oken, B. S., Kishiyama, S., Zajdel, D., Bourdette, D., Carlsen, J., Haas, M.,…Mass, M. (2004). Randomized controlled trial of yoga and exercise in multiple sclerosis. Neurology, 62(11), 2058–2064.

Abstract retrieved from

Parkinson Erkrankung 

Colgrove, Y., Sharma, N., Robbins, K., & Wagner, K. (2015). A randomized controlled pilot study of the therapeutic effects of yoga in people with Parkinson′s disease. International Journal of Yoga 8(1), 74.

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Restless Leg Syndrom (RLS) 

Innes, K. E., Selfe, T. K., Agarwal, P., Williams, K., & Flack, K. L. (2013). Efficacy of an eight-week yoga intervention on symptoms of restless legs syndrome (RLS): A pilot study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 19(6), 527–535.

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Zwick, D. (2006). Integrating Iyengar yoga into rehab for spinal cord injury. Nursing, 36(PT Insider), 18–22.

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Orthopädische Erkrankungen


Bukowski EL, Conway A, Glentz LA, Kurland K, Galantino ML (October 2006) The effect of Iyengar yoga and strengthening exercises for people living with osteoarthritis of the knee: A case series.. Int Q Community Health Educ. 26(3), 287-305. 

Retrieved from

Evans, S., Moieni, M., Taub, R., Subramanian, S., Tsao, J., Sternlieb, B., Zeltzer, L. (May 2010). Iyengar yoga for young adults with rheumatoid arthritis: Results from a mixed-methods pilot study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 39(5), 904-13.

Kolasinski SL, Garfinkel M, Tsai AG, Matz W, Van Dyke A, Schumacher HR. (August 2005). Iyengar yoga for treating symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knees: a pilot study. J Altern Complement Med. 11(4), 689-93. 

Retrieved from


Garfinkel, M. S., Singhal, A., Katz, W. A., Allan, D. A., Reshetar, R., & Schumacher, Jr, H. R. (1998). Yoga-based intervention for carpal tunnel syndrome. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 280(18), 1601-1603.

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Brody, J. (December 2015). 12 Minutes of Yoga for Bone Health. New York Times. Retrieved from


Allende, S., Anandan, A., Lauche, R., & Cramer, H. (2018). Effect of yoga on chronic non-specific neck pain: An unconditional growth model. Complementary therapies in medicine, 40, 237-242.

Cramer, H., Lauche, R., Hohmann, C., Langhorst, J., & Dobos, G. (2013). Yoga for chronic neck pain: a 12-month follow-up. Pain Medicine, 14(4), 541-548.

Michalsen, A., Traitteur, H., Lüdtke, R., Brunnhuber, S., Meier, L., Jeitler, M.,…Kessler, C. (2012). Yoga for chronic neck pain: A pilot randomized controlled clinical trial. The Journal of Pain, 13(11), 1122–1130.; Abstract retrieved from


Cox, H., Tilbrook, H., Aplin, J., Chuang, L.-H., Hewitt, C., Jayakody, S., Semlyen, A., Soares, M., Torgerson, D., Trewhela, A., Watt, I., Worthy, G. (2010). A pragmatic multi-centred randomised controlled trial of yoga for chronic low back pain: Trial protocol. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 16(2), 76–80.

Health after 50 alert: Yoga therapy (March 2009). Retrieved from

Selfridge, N. (January 2010). From padasana to pain relief: Iyengar yoga for chronic low back pain. Alternative Medicine Alert. 13(1), 9. 

Retrieved from

Williams, K., Abildso, C., Steinberg, L., Doyle, E., Epstein, B., Smith, D., Hobbs, G., Gross, R., Kelley, G., Cooper, L. (2009). Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficacy of Iyengar yoga therapy on chronic low back pain. SPINE. 34(19), 2066-76. 

Retrieved from of the Effectiveness and Efficacy of Iyengar Yoga Therapy on Chronic Low Back Pain.pdf

Williams, K., Petronis, J., Smith, D., Goodrich, D., Wu, J., Ravi, N., Doyle, E. Jr., Gregory, R., Munoz, M., Gross, R., Steinberg, L. (May 2005). Effect of Iyengar yoga therapy for chronic low back pain. Pain. 115(1-2), 107-17. 

Retrieved from

Williams, K., Steinberg, L., Petronis, J. (2003) Therapeutic application of Iyengar yoga for healing chronic low back pain. International Journal of Yoga Therapy. 13(1), 55-67. Retrieved from