The book addresses postural, structural, functional and connective tissue conditions of the neck and shoulders. It is primarily intended for certified teachers of Iyengar Yoga, who may find it helpful to aid their students who need modified asanas because of neck and shoulder pains. Less advanced students may use this book under the guidance of a qualified teacher.
Iyengar Yoga teachers (CIYTs) and their students can use this book to help them in the asana practice for the knees. It provides poses to alleviate knee pain and to correct related problems rooted in structural imbalances of the knees such as: inflammation and pain from tendon, ligament, and meniscus tears, cartilage injuries, patella tracking disorders, sprains, osteoarthritis, Baker’s cysts and general misalignment of the knees. Practitioners with a knee replacement may benefit from the variations shown in this book after consultating with a medical care practitioner in regards to the limitations of the knee implant.
Yoga does not cure cancer. Practicing modified asanas and pranaymas can alleviate pain from cancer and ease discomfort in various stages of its treatment. This guidebook is divided into several sections. First Lois introduces low risk modified poses that provide comfort and rest for all cancer patients. The second section provides poses against nausea, headache and difficulty in breathing, that can occur e.g. as side-effects of chemotherapy. The following sections are dedicated to the stage after recovery from cancer, followed by different case studies.
The book adresses problems in the lower back . It is primarily intended for certified teachers of Iyengar Yoga, who may find it helpful to aid their students who need modified asanas because of pains in the lower back and in the lumbar spine. Less advanced students may use this book under the guidance of a qualified teacher.
By providing an overview of key yoga postures and basic breathing techniques, this book demonstrates how people with Multiple Sclerosis can manage symptoms, and create a regular yoga practice in order to enhance physical and mental wellbeing. Suitable for beginner and continuing level yoga students, as well as for yoga teachers looking for ways to support their students.
by Marcia Monroe. The book is a guide to understanding how to approach the challenges of spinal asymmetry due to scoliosis. Marcia offers clear and precise instructions for addressing scoliosis for yoga practicicioners as well as yoga teachers. The book covers the history and treatment modalities of scoliosis. It explores the complexities of the concept of alignment in the body. Four chapters give instruction in yoga asanas for scoliosis, and another chapter discusses yoga practice in daily living. The final chapter was developed by B. K. S. Iyengar.
This user-friendly guide describes how yoga works Includes photographs and descriptions of each pose Explains effects, advantages, and contraindications Contains starter poses that will help the uninitiated or physically challenged to gently achieve a posture Yoga and Multiple Sclerosis: A Journey to Health and Healing is a guidebook and tool for people with MS, people who undertake yoga on their own, and for all members of the medical and yoga communities.
by Shoosh Lettick Crotzer Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by chronic muscular pain and stiffness, soft tissue tenderness, headaches, dizziness, nausea, cognitive impairment, fatigue, disturbed sleep, and more. The author presents various asanas to manage these symptoms. Her comprehensive program of 26 illustrated yoga poses, breathing techniques, and relaxation sessions can be practiced regardless of age or yoga experience. She teaches how to use simple props – a chair, a blanket – to modify poses to support your body and your changing needs.
In diesem Standardwerk gibt Geeta S. Iyengar eine gründliche Einführung in Asanas (Yogahaltungen), Pranayamas (Atemübungen) und Meditationstechniken, die für Frauen wichtig sein können. Über 200 Fotos zeigen Geeta selbst und ermöglichen es, sich konkret mit den verschiedenen Praktiken vertraut zu machen. Auf diese Weise kann Linderung bei vielen Beschwerden erreicht werden: Hilfreiche Tipps zur Menstruation, bei Schwangerschaft und Geburt sowie zur Menopause / Lösung von Verspannungen im Bereich von Rücken und Bauch infolge spezifisch weiblicher Beschwerden / Unterstützung bei depressiven Verstimmungen, etwa während der Wechseljahre / Steigerung der Liebesfähigkeit / Beschleunigung von Heilungs-Prozessen im Krankheitsfall.
von Hermann Traitteur, Annette Herrenleben und Claudia Böhm.
Zunächst werden die Anatomie und Physiologie des Beckens von Frau und des Mannes in Bezug zu einzelnen Asanas beschrieben. Anschließend beschäftigt sich das Buch mit Zyklen und Steuerungs-Systemen: Lebensphasen und hormonelle Zyklen: Pubertät, Geschlechtsreife, Menstruationszyklus, Schwangerschaft / Zyklusgerechtes Üben: Menstruation, Menstruations-Sequenz, Zeit nach der Menstruation, Störungen des Zyklus und Beschwerden, Sequenz bei Krämpfen und vermehrter Blutung, Zyklusgerechtes Üben des Mannes / Wechseljahre: Menopause der Frau, Andropause des Mannes / Asanas während der Wechseljahre: Stehende Haltungen, Sitzhaltungen, Vorwärtsstreckungen, Umkehrhaltungen, Rückwärtsstreckungen, Liegende Haltungen / Yoga im Alter
von Geeta S. Iyengar, Rita Keller und Kerstin Khattab.
Das Buch richtet sich sowohl an Anfängerinnen wie auch Fortgeschrittene und zeigt Asanas, die während der Schwangerschaft eine besonders positive Wirkung haben und die auf die Geburt vorbereiten. Zur Stärkung der Beckenbodenmuskulatur und zur Entlastung der Wirbelsäule – zur Durchblutung der Beckenregion – zur Linderung von Beschwerden in der Schwangerschaft – hilfreiche Asanas während und nach der Geburt – Übungen zur Vorbereitung auf eine natürliche und leichtere Geburt – Atemübungen – Rückbildungsprogramm zur Stärkung der Beckenboden- Bauch- und Rückenmuskulatur.
Das grundlegende Lehrbuch des Hatha Yoga. „Licht auf Yoga“ ist erstmals 1966 erchienen und gilt für Yoga-Praktiziernde weltweit als Standardwerk zur Einführung in die Tradition des Yoga. Mit mehr als 200 Asanas und Pranayamas sowie über 600 Originalabbildungen von B.K.S. Iyengar. Gebundene Ausgabe.
An Iyengar Yoga Approach to Pelvic Healing and Integrative Wellness through Anatomy and Practice
by Rebecca Weisman and Meagen Satinsky.
The first comprehensive anatomy and yoga practice manual for postpartum pelvic healing—a gender-inclusive guide to poses, practices, and exercises for pelvic-floor, pain, dysfunction, and recovery. (in english)
Dieses ausführliche Yogabuch richtet sich speziell an Frauen und ihre Übungspraxis.
In The Woman’s Yoga Book, senior Iyengar
Yoga teacher Bobby Clennell offers a comprehensive program of asana
(yoga poses) and pranayama (breathing techniques) designed to support
menstrual health from menarche to menopause, along with nutritional and
lifestyle information for those times off the yoga mat.
With over 30 years of teaching experience, she encourages women to draw on the strength that comes from practising women’s yoga.
Das grundlegende Lehrbuch des Pranayama, der Atemschule des Yoga. Detaillierte Einführung in die Theorie des Pranayama. Im Detail werden die Kunst der Einatmung (puraka), Ausatmung (rechaka) und des Luftanhaltens (kumbhaka), wie auch verschiedenen Techniken des Pranayama, sowie Dhyana (Meditation) und Shavasana (Entspannung) erläutert. Gebundene Ausgabe.
Das grundlegende Yogalehrbuch für Frauen. Einführung in Asanas (Yogahaltungen), Pranayamas (Atemübungen) und Meditationen, die insbesondere für Frauen wichtig sind. Vorstellung effizienter Übungen, die bei Menstruationsbeschwerden, während der Schwangerschaft oder in den Wechseljahren besonders wirksam sind. Gebundene Ausgabe.
Iyengar Yogalehrerin, Heilpraktikerin (HP), Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Ayurvedic Medicine 2012-2022 Yogatherapeutin in der Abteilung Naturheilkunde des Immanuel Krankenhauses, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Beginn mit Iyengar Yoga 1989 Ausbildung mit Abschluss am Iyengar Yoga Institut in San Francisco/USA (IYISF) (1991 bis 1992) Seit 1998 regelmäßige Fortbildung am Yoga Institut in Pune/Indien (RIMYI) Seit 2003 Akkreditierte Ausbildungslehrerin und Prüferin im Verein Iyengar Yoga Deutschland (IYD e.V.)
Mitbegründerin und Kodirektorin des Iyengar Yoga Institut Berlin. Dozentin für Ausbildung, Fortbildung und Seminare am IYIB.
In Yoga for Breast Care, Bobby Clennell offers a comprehensive program of asanas and pranayamas designed to support breast health. Beginning with a description of breast development and structure and the lymphatic and hormonal systems, as well as breast conditions. Yoga for Breast Care then presents a variety of asanas and pranayamas. Also included are active and restorative sequences for immunity, energy, cyclic and noncyclic breast pain, cysts, for pregnancy and nursing mothers. As well as practices for breast cancer survivors or those who have recently undergone breast cancer surgery and are receiving chemotherapy or radiation.
Der Kurs erstreckt sich über vier Vormittage. Die Nachmittage stehen zur freien Verfügung.
Der Iyengar Yogaunterricht ist ausschließlich für bereits Iyengar Yogaübende gedacht und nicht für reine Anfänger_innen geeignet. Voraussetzungen sind u.a. Kopfstand (an der Wand oder frei im Raum) sowie die regelmäßige Praxis des Schulterstands.
Der Unterricht wird in den voll ausgestatteten Übungsräumen des Iyengar Yoga Instituts Berlin stattfinden (Variante A). Eine Onlineteilnahme von zuhause aus ist ebenfalls möglich (Variante B). Für alle, die den Kurs in Präsenz buchen, gibt es an drei Vormittagen (Freitag, Samstag und Montag) eine Teepause zwischen Pranayama und Asana.
Kurs I – Sonntag, 17.03. – Freitag, 22.03.24 Kurs II -Sonntag, 24.03. – Karfreitag, 29.03.24
Die beiden Kurse richten sich an alle, die erlernen möchten, wie trotz körperlicher Einschränkungen Iyengar Yoga geübt werden kann.
Die Therapieeinheiten am Vormittag fokussieren sich auf spezifische Probleme des Bewegungsapparates, darunter Knieprobleme, Hüftprobleme, Schulter- und Nackenbeschwerden sowie Rückenbeschwerden.
In den Nachmittagseinheiten steht die Betonung auf regenerativen Haltungen, die sich organischen Problemen widmen, wie Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden, Magen-Darm-Probleme, gynäkologische Beschwerden sowie die Phase nach überstandenen Krebserkrankungen.
Die Intensives am Tegernsee finden jährlich im Frühjahr statt und gehen über fünf Tage. Neben aktiven und fordernderen Asanas werden täglich auch regenerierenden Haltungen und Pranayama geübt.
Der Iyengar Yogaunterricht ist für bereits Iyengar Yogaübende gedacht (mindestens drei Jahre) und ist somit nicht für Anfänger geeignet. Ebenso sollten keine größeren gesundheiltichen Einschränkungen vorliegen.
Voraussetzungen sind u.a. Kopfstand (an der Wand oder frei im Raum) sowie die regelmäßige Praxis von Schulterstand.
Die Anamnesen finden als Onlinesprechstunde, telefonisch oder als Präsenzsprechstunde in der therapeutischen Arztpraxis statt.
Anmeldung zur Sprechstunde:
Per E-Mail unter oder sie hinterlassen unter 030-28599789 telefonisch eine Nachricht auf Band.
Weiterfüherende Informationen zum therapeutischen Yoga unter THERAPIE.
Seminare und Workshops Mit Hermann
Yogafreitag 120 Min, 16.08.
mit Hermann Traitteur, von 18:30-20:30 Uhr Für fortgeschrittene Iyengar Yogaübende die ihre Übungspraxis über den normalen Unterricht hinaus vertiefen wollen.
Ab Stufe 2 (sichere Praxis von Kopf- und Schulterstand) Kosten: Präsenz / Online 20,- €
Das Seminar beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen Problemen des Hüftgelenks und wie Yogahaltungen helfen können. Mehr erfahren »
Samstag, 07.09.
Yogasamstagvon 09:30 – 17:00 Uhr Vertiefung der Übungspraxis mit Hermann Traitteur Bei Interesse Mail an: – Mehr erfahren »
Upcoming International Workshops in English:
Iyengar Yoga Champaign Urbana – Illinois, USA
14th International Iyengar Yoga Therapy Intensive with Lois Steinberg, September 21 -27
The Therapy Intensive is a week-long workshop designed to give Certified Iyengar Teachers (CIYTs) experience with facilitating therapeutic yoga sessions for student subjects with health conditions. The student subjects are given a week of individualized attention by a team of CIYTs, supervised by Lois and her staff. During Lois‘ Therapy Intensive I will assist and give two lectures on theoretical topics.
CIY – House of Yoga, Calgary, AB, Canada
Yoga Asana Anatomy: Theory, Practice + Therapeutic Applications, Live in Studio in Calgary + Online
October 4-6 / Hermann Traitteur comes to Calgary to share his in-depth knowledge of the yoga anatomy and its applications to healthy practice, injury prevention and working intelligently with common ailments. The structure of this weekend workshop will be a mixture of theory and practice through power point presentations, followed by asana practice, connecting the theory. The content of the workshop is based on Dr. Traitteur’s book, Yoga Asana Anatomy.
Live workshop weekend in Maastricht in the Netherlands
Saturday 9th of November (in studio): 1) Standing and Sitting Asanas and the Anatomy of the Hips, Knees and Ankles 2) Inversion and the Anatomy of the Shoulders, Elbows and Wrists
Sunday 10th of November (in studio): 3) Backward, Forward and Lateral extending Asanas and the Anatomy of the Spine and Trunk
a Workshop series in 4 parts taught by Dr. Hermann Traitteur, Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher Presented by Light of Yoga, Taipei, Taiwan The Workshop will be taught in English. Optional On-Screen Interpretation to Mandarin by Ruby Wang, an Iyengar Yoga practitioner and specialist in interpretation. Understand how anatomy is relevant to how Iyengar Yoga is taught and practiced December 22 and 29, 2023 & January 5 and 12, 2024
Workshops in cooperation with Iyengar Yoga Dallas
You can access previous anatomy courses on Iyengar Yoga Dallas‘ vimeo page HERE
Dates & Topics:
Yoga Asana Series hosted by Dallas Iyengar Yoga
The Series consisted of 3 themed asana classes: Creating Compactness, Creating Space and Reaching the Core.
Each class delved into the anatomical principles in various poses, enabling you to understand the mechanics of movement of the body during asana. Hermann began with a short (5-10 minutes) presentation and then the asana session began.
Date, Time, Topic:
October 14, 2023 – Creating Compactness November 4, 2023 – Creating Space November 25, 2023 – Reaching the Core
Yoga, Asana, Physiology
Dates & Topics:
Introduction to Physiology & The Respiratory System – November 6th, 2021 The Cardio Vascular System – December 4th, 2021 The Digestive System – January 8th, 2022 The Nervous & Endocrine System – February 5th, 2022
The Urogenital System – March 5th, 2022 The Sensory Systems – April 2nd, 2022 The Immune System – May 7th, 2022
Linking Asana to Anatomy
The Hip: Joint, Ligaments and Movement January 30th, 2021 The Shoulder: Muscles, Joint and Movement February 27th, 2021 The Knees and Elbows March 27th, 2021 The Spinal Column May 1st, 2021
Standing Asanas & Anatomy June 19th, 2021 Forward Extending Asanas & Anatomy, July 24th, 2021 Lateral Exetending Asanas (Twists) & Anatomy, August 21st, 2021 Backward Extending Asanas & Anatomy, October 2nd, 2021
Learn more about me and about my book
• Scroll down or click here to learn more about me and about my book “Yoga Asana Anatomy”.
How to get in touch with me
YOGA ASANA ANATOMY | Dr. Hermann Traitteur
The first comprehensive anatomy textbook catering to the needs of practitioners, students and teachers of Iyengar Yoga.
The book contains the general and specific anatomy of the musculoskeletal system in the context of yoga asana including an introduction to the most common ailments.
About the Book
At the end of the 1990s, Hermann Traitteur began to instruct anatomy and physiology within the nascent German teacher training of Iyengar Yoga. During this time, he developed handouts for the courses as he found the majority of anatomy textbooks too complicated for the purposes of Iyengar Yoga and too difficult to understand for those without a background in medicine. From this “reader” emerged the German book „Yoga Asana Anatomie“ first published in 2016. It took three more years to realize the English translation, which has gained greater depth and scope due to useful contributions made by Lois Steinberg and others. Geeta S. Iyengar kindly contributed a beautifully written foreword.
Yoga Asana Anatomy aspires to be readable and accessible to those without extensive medical knowledge. At the same time, it is also intended to be a fascinating and informative guidebook for those possessing medical expertise. Technical terms are listed first in English, with the Latin terms following in parentheses.
The texts are constructed so that each theme’s anatomical explanations are coupled with corresponding color pictures. References are made to asana and to pathology, or, different health problems that can arise in the musculoskeletal system. Tips are provided about asanas that can be practiced as preventative measures. Numerous illustrations contribute to the visualization of the explanations. For the sake of clarity and easier reading, each chapter ends with a short summary.
The book begins with a presentation of different concepts of the human, from the natural sciences to yoga philosophy. The chapter concerning general anatomy explicates such terms as “cell” and “tissue,” and then focuses more particularly on bone, cartilage, connective, and muscle tissues. Thereafter follow descriptions and illustrations of the ligaments, tendons, and joints.
Practitioners of Iyengar Yoga first learn standing poses, and the poses are initially taught from the extremities. Students are taught to use the arms and legs both to move these appendages and to affect the chest and the rest of the torso. Accordingly, in the following chapters the book first addresses the legs (lower extremity), followed by the arms (upper extremity), and lastly the torso including the neck. The bones, the joints, and the muscles (largest in scope) are presented in that order within each section.
The muscles are described according to their locations and are grouped according to their functions. For example, all muscles that raise the arm or turn out the leg in the hip joint, etc. are described. For each muscle, typical asanas are presented that, for example, strengthen or stretch the muscle. The same is repeated with the muscle groups.
For those who practice Iyengar Yoga, it makes more sense to understand muscles within the context of their groups, because we use groups of muscles to initiate and maintain actions. It is only after muscle groups are understood that it is possible to learn subtle actions based on individual muscles.
The explanations continually return to those found in the standard works of Iyengar Yoga. Asanas are drawn especially from Geeta S. Iyengar’s books Yoga in Action: Preliminary Course and Yoga In Action: Intermediate Course I and should be understood in relation to her instructions. Illustrations are taken from Annette Herrenleben’s book Yogaübungssequenzen (also published by Yoga Mitte Bücher).
About the Author
Dr. Hermann Traitteur grew up in the southern German town of Munich, where in the late 1980s, he first came into contact with Iyengar Yoga. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, he moved to Berlin in 1990, where he studied medicine and began his medical career in an orthopedic clinic. When he was studying medicine in Berlin, he also participated in a Teacher Training Program at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco.
Following his certification with the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States (IYNAUS), he has furthered his education through annual stays at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in Pune, India.
In 1994, Hermann Traitteur and Claudia Böhm established Yoga Mitte — the first Iyengar Yoga studio in the former eastern part of Berlin. In the early 2000s, Hermann and Claudia were joined by Annette Herrenleben, who had been studying and assisting under the guidance of the Iyengar family at RIMYI in Pune for more than a decade.
With B.K.S. Iyengar’s blessings, Yoga Mitte was renamed the Iyengar Yoga Institute of Berlin. In addition to teaching regular yoga classes, Hermann Traitteur opened a yoga therapy practice in the same location.
Since the end of the 1990s, he has been a lecturer and assessor within the nascent Iyengar Yoga teacher training programs throughout Germany.
His dissertation, published in 2012, is a study of the effects of Iyengar Yoga on chronic neck pain.
Official Distributors
Distribution Europe / European Union and GREAT Britain
European Customers: To order the book please click the link below to send us an E-Mail
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– Full Name – Full Postal Address (Shipping Address + Billing Address in case they differ): • Street, • Postal/ZIP Code, • Town – Your Email Address – Your Mobile Phone Number (Mandatory for Shipping)
• Price per book 39,90 € + Shipping • Cost of shipping per book within the European Union on average 15,- € (May vary depending on the country of destination, as well as the size and weight of the parcel)
Iyengar Yogalehrerin und Heilpraktikerin Beginn mit Iyengar Yoga 2000 Ausgebildet vom Berufsverband (IYD) / / Iyengar Yoga Institut Berlin (2003 bis 2006) Fortbildung am Yoga Institut in Pune/Indien (RIMYI) (2007)
Abgeschlossene Ausbildung in Chinesischer Medizin und Akupunktur mit Diplom der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin – AGTCM Fachverband für Chinesische Medizin
Iyengar Yogalehrer Forstingenieur, Geoinformatiker (MSc) Yoga seit 2006, Beginn mit Iyengar Yoga 2011 Ausgebildet am Iyengar Yoga Institut Berlin (2015 bis 2018) Regelmäßige Teilnahme an Fortbildungen am Iyengar Yoga Institut Berlin
Das Buch soll zertifizierten Iyengar Yoga Lehrer*innen und denen, die es werden wollen eine Anleitung sein. Das Buch besteht aus zwei Teilen: Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit dem Prozess des Lehrens. Der zweite Teil liefert Hintergründe, um in die Theorie des Yoga einsteigen zu können. Basierend auf der Lehrer*innenausbildung des RIMYI in Pune.
24,00 €
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